Management Philosophy

We assist in solving various problems around the world through premium service.

Brand Statement

Brand Statement

Prime Assistance’s Brand Statement

“Prime for you: Assisting you and the society” is the Prime Assistance Brand Statement that includes the hope to become “We aim to solve all manner of problems in our customers’ environments as an innovative assistance company” through premium services.

Will Incorporated in the Brand Statement

We will work to the best of our abilities in pursuit of services that overwhelmingly exceed the expectations of customers.
We will continue making efforts one after another to bring about an ideal society that puts people at ease.

Corporate logo

Corporate logo

The Company logo outlines (the alphabet) P-R-A, the abbreviation of Prime Assistance. The logo contains the following messages for creating an assistance business for the new era:

* Shared value creation between the three parties of customers receiving services, clients and Prime Assistance;
* Our aim to provide premium customer service that contribute to safe, secure and healthy; and
* Two lines, one representing “speed” and the other, the arrow, signifying our willingness to take on “challenges”.