Medical Care Program Services for Employees on Overseas Assignments

We have established a 24-hour, year-round dedicated help line for corporate clients handled by Japanese-speaking staff. This service enables effective use of healthcare insurance with wide-ranging coverage overseas, reducing the actual expense burden on corporations. The service provides full agency services for all claim procedures for health insurance associations and P&C insurance companies.

When an Injury or Illness Occurs Overseas

When employees receive treatment from a local medical institution, we provide total support for settling the overseas treatment fee using Japanese medical insurance, overseas travel insurance, or local medical insurance and so forth.


Dedicated Japanese Help Line for Corporate Clients

Help line staff with expert knowledge of client company health and welfare regulations on overseas treatment provide introductions to medical institutions and answer questions regarding overseas treatment 24 hours a day, all year round.


Totally Cashless Treatment Available

Members can receive cashless treatment at any of approximately 2,000 affiliated medical institutions worldwide by producing a special membership card.

Maintenance of the water pipe

Reduce Administrative Costs for Document Preparation

Calculation of overseas medical fees requires complex administrative procedures. We provide total outsourcing from document creation through to application filing to reduce clients’ administrative costs.

Document preparation

Example of Service Use

Prime Assistance receives a contract for services from a client company to manage all medical expenses of employees assigned overseas and their families, making their experience more convenient and reducing costs.

If you are aware of the following kinds of issues, please come and talk with Prime Assistance.

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