When Accidents Happen
When an accident happens, we know that these are extraordinary events for customers and we are fully prepared to alleviate their anxieties.

We leverage our experience of over 700,000 call-outs per year to provide the highest quality in roadside assistance services.
Working with over 8,000 partner service providers throughout Japan, we provide 24-hour, year-round on-site vehicle assistance services for customers including automobile insurers, mutual aid associations, and dealerships.
(On-site assistance with flat batteries, running out of fuel, lock-outs, etc., and towing services in the event of accidents, etc.)
When Accidents Happen
When an accident happens, we know that these are extraordinary events for customers and we are fully prepared to alleviate their anxieties.
Ability to Listen and Identify the Real Problem
We respond swiftly and professionally.
24-Hour, Year-Round On-Site Assistance
Partner service providers
Nationwide network of 8,000 locations
Emergency Response Cases
Engine failure / tire punctures / general key-related problems / wheel detachment / physical accidents, etc.
Vehicles covered
Privately owned cars, company cars, etc.
Prime Assistance receives a contract for services from a client company to provide roadside assistance for the company’s customers on its behalf.